Dream Discovery: No Wrong Answers

spirit-teleTHERE is a kind of conscious telegraphic communication going on incessantly, day and night, between our physical brain and our ever-awake inner consciousness.

“The brain is such a complex thing, both physically and metaphysically, that it is like a tree whose bark you can remove layer by layer.”

“Each layer is different from all the others,” says H. P. Blavatsky, “and each having its own special work, function, and properties.”

All real dreams that are remembered, and “present a sequence of events,” she maintained,  “are due to the vision of our higher [mind] Ego.”

“At a time when an apple was something Steve Jobs gave to his first grade teacher,” writes a reviewer, “Clancy McKenzie, M.D. happened upon a discovery that would forever change not just his life, but his patients’ as well.

“It hit him like a bolt of lightening. Without so much as a hand-held calculator, McKenzie unearthed the origin and mechanism of serious mental and emotional disorders.”

Many of Dr. McKenzie’s most powerful insights were directed to him during his dreams, and experienced later as voices on awakening, and during the day at unexpected moments.


Clancy D. McKenzie, M.D.

The Brihand Aranyaka Upanishad [p. 12], describes of this inner dream god: “Leaving the bodily world through the door of dream, the sleepless Spirit views the sleeping powers.”

Then clothed in radiance, returns to his own home, the gold-gleaming Genius, swan of everlasting.”


“You do not have to be a yogi and meditate for years in a cave to receive an enlightened answer,” says Dr. McKenzie. “When you fall asleep you reach just as deep a level of consciousness.

“All you must do is take one minute at bedtime to formulate your question, and one minute when you awaken to retrieve the answer.

“Practically anyone can do this the very first night.”

Babies Need Mothers

Programmed Dreams

Dr. McKenzie has not known “anyone to receive a wrong answer or one that is morally corrupt.” He concludes from this that “the answers are coming from a higher source, and that the programmed dream might be similar to prayer – but with a refined technique for receiving the answer.” Click on the link below to view or save the .pdf file to your computer:

Programmed Dreams

Lecture by Clancy D. McKenzie, M.D
© American Mental Health Association

His proscribed treatment and three levels of prevention quickly followed. After forty plus years of research and studies, the author has made the results and prevention methods available to the general public for the first time.


His new book “Babies Need Mothers” – How Mothers Can Prevent Mental Illness in their Children, can be purchased on his website, or from Amazon.

Did the brightest minds, the costliest research, the mountains of peer-reviewed literature and the billions of research dollars fail to make the critical distinction between cause and effect? Read ‘Babies Need Mothers’ and see for yourself.

babies need mothers

Discussing the “Psychological Origin of Neurobiological Disorders. What is schizophrenia? Is it one thing or a combination of important issues beginning at the earliest part of life?” Dr. McKenzie pulls together in a brilliant manner the issues comprising schizophrenia and gives us a greater understanding of the condition.

Hear and meet Dr. McKenzie at the upcoming
ITC Conference in New York City, August 8 – 11, 2013.

The 15th Annual

International Theosophy Conference 

Theme: “How to Awaken Compassion: H. P. Blavatsky and the Eternal Secret Doctrine”
When: August 8 – 11, 2013
Where: The Bohemian National Hall, 321 East 73 Street., NY, NY 10021
Bohemian National Hall

Bohemian National Hall, NYC

Registration: http:\\www.theosconf.org

Renowned and well versed speakers with a solid Theosophical background will explore the Conference theme, plus:

Special Guest Speaker:

Dean Radin Ph.D.

Dean Radin, Ph.D

Dean Radin, Ph.D

Dr. Radin, is the Chief Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences, (IONS), and will speak on the subject of his new book:

Supernormal: Science, yoga, and the evidence for extraordinary psychic abilities.”


“Dean Radin, is the bestselling author of The Conscious Universe and Entangled Minds, presents persuasive new experimental evidence for the existence of such phenomena. He takes us on a thrilling scientific journey and challenges outdated assumptions that these abilities are mere superstition. Focusing on Patanjali’s mysterious Yoga Sutras — 2,000 year-old meditation practices believed to release our extraordinary powers — Radin offers powerful evidence confirming that sometimes fact is much stranger, spookier, and more wonderful than the wildest fiction.”


“What we will consider here is whether our sophisticated scientific understanding of reality has developed blinders when it comes to reports of the supernormal,” writes Dr. Radin. “Could it be that when the blinders are removed, there actually is something interesting going on? Are all reports of mystical or psychic experiences, of communion with realities that transcend the mundane, necessarily mistaken?”

Thus furthering the original Third Object of the Theosophical Movement:

“The Investigation of the Unexplained Laws of Nature and the Psychical Powers Latent in Man.”


Institute of Noetic Sciences

The mission of International Theosophy Conferences, Inc.includes support for the Three Objects as expressed in the writings of H. P. Blavatsky, and the fostering of intercommunication among all Theosophical traditions.

What are the objects of the Theosophical Society? The co-founder of the T.S., H. P. Blavatsky, answered the question in The Key to Theosophy: “They are three, and have been so from the beginning,” 


“(1.) To form the nucleus of a Universal Brotherhood of Humanity without distinction of race, colour, or creed.

“(2.) To promote the study of Aryan and other Scriptures, of the World’s religion and sciences, and to vindicate the importance of old Asiatic literature, namely, of the Brahmanical, Buddhist, and Zoroastrian philosophies.

“(3.) To investigate the hidden mysteries of Nature under every aspect possible, and the psychic and spiritual powers latent in man especially. These are, broadly stated, the three chief objects of the Theosophical Society.”

 Keeping the Link Unbroken


International Theosophy Conferences
P.O. Box 459, Julian, CA 92036
(760) 765-1090

3 responses to “Dream Discovery: No Wrong Answers

  1. The second Object of Theosophy uses the word, Aryan. What does that word really mean? Why did the German Nazis use that word in their philosophy? Also, why did they use the swastika as their symbol?


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