Evidence for an Uplifting Cosmic Intelligence

Takes Practice and Will

BLIND chance could never on its own have produced a self aware and self-conscious thinking being.

Even if such a blind force existed obviously it would  have no need for reasoning.

Thinking or purpose of any sort it is not needed by the random blind creations of neo-Darwinist evolutionary theory. Simply put: no intelligence required.

But even children understand that figuring anything out in life is a learning process seasoned by reason, healthy emotions, and aha moments.

A conscious, observant puzzle-solver undeniably exists in the background of thought. The numerous paradoxes inherent in human, and even animal intelligence, will remain ever an unsolvable puzzle to reductionist thinkers.

Not unlike the caterpillar’s indomitable urge to grow wings and fly, truth finding and spiritual growth are guided by a built-in system called progressive awakenings. In her article Spiritual Progress,  H. P. Blavatsky made what seemed a sort of ‘duh’ comment! (paraphrased)

“The true Adept must become,
she cannot be made.”

The growing recognition of the intelligence underlying all life, she writes, is one of ” growth through evolution, and this must necessarily involve a certain amount of pain” — (at least in our human perception.)

We may experience stress in the moment, a study suggests, “but experience greater happiness on a daily basis and longer term.”

The Journey

“Does the road wind up-hill all the way?
Yes, to the very end.
Does the journey take the whole long day?
From morn to night, my friend.”

Christina Rossetti

Blind Leaders

The major cause of suffering, and obstacle to spiritual progress, is the widely accepted Neo-Darwinian model of evolution, which holds that “natural selection” is blind and devoid of any thinker or planner, and life is therefore without design or purpose.

Evolution is a “blind watchmaker” according to Richard Dawkins’ in his book of that title, in which he opposes William Paley’s reasoning that the existence of a watch compels belief in an intelligent watchmaker.

Richard Dawkins

Chicken or Egg

“The main cause of pain,” Blavatsky says, “lies in our perpetually seeking the permanent in the impermanent, and not only seeking, but acting as if we had already found the unchangeable, in a world of which the one certain quality we can predicate is constant change. And always,

“just as we fancy we have taken a firm hold upon the permanent, it changes within our very grasp, and pain results.”


Breaking Shells

She adds something what we all know is true about progressive awakenings and evolving consciousness: “the idea of growth involves also the idea of disruption, the inner being must continually burst through its confining shell or encasement,

“…and such a disruption must also be accompanied by pain, not physical but mental and intellectual.”

Proteins are the building blocks of all organic matter, and the blueprints for making the thousands of proteins necessary for complex organisms like animals and humans is guided by the information stored in our DNA.

One of the most convincing arguments for intelligent design (ID) is the result of one simple fact in biology which, without intelligence, sets up an insoluble conundrum:

The information for making proteins would have to also be used to create the protein based DNA molecule, but which molecule itself holds the information for making them (?!)


Since the DNA molecule is itself made of proteins, this can only result in the classic chicken or the egg paradox—which came first?

So, either there is some DNA hiding under a bush somewhere, which only fuels the paradox, or we must accept the inference to a preexistent plan. And plans are the result of intelligent planners.

Is life on Earth the product of purely undirected processes like time, chance and natural selection?

If not, then the origin and diversity of living organisms must be traced to an intelligent cause.

Order in Nature

Acknowledging that “adaptation” is indeed a law, Blavatsky quickly pointed out that this fact only strengthens the necessity of a conscious organizing intelligence at work behind the scenes of evolution.

An intelligence is required to recognize the need for, and initiate, the required adaptations — and this is the antithesis of blind chance.

“There is,” Blavatsky wrote, “but one indivisible and absolute Omniscience and Intelligence in the Universe,

…and this thrills throughout every atom and infinitesimal point of the whole finite Kosmos.”


“The whole order of nature evinces a progressive march towards a higher life,” Blavatsky wrote, and “the very fact that adaptations do occur, that the fittest do survive in the struggle for existence, shows that

“…what is called ‘unconscious Nature’ is in reality”— evidence for the existence of an organizing intelligence.

Accepting all this, must we adopt a belief an all-powerful personal God as the only resolution to the paradox?

Theosophy says a  personal deity and savior are not necessary— we only need to be willing to consider the ancient doctrine that teaches there is not just one ‘almighty god,’ but many gods and forces that shape nature and man.

The Messengers

“The whole Kosmos is guided, controlled, and animated by almost endless series of Hierarchies of sentient Beings, each having a mission to perform,” Blavatsky wrote in The Secret Doctrine, “… whether we give to them one name or another, and call them Dhyan-Chohans or Angels —

they are ‘messengers’ in the sense only that they are the agents of Karmic and Cosmic Laws.”


These messengers were all thinkers, mind beings, perfected in former periods of an endless evolution, who oversee evolution on this planet by adapting the plans used in those prior periods — which in turn were the adaptations of still older systems.

Always Purposeful

But it is always possible to reverse of the flow of energy from the spiritual darkness of an accidental self, to a master-navigator self, and to a recognition of intelligence in Nature.

Gaining a healthy outlook in life is only possible if we believe in a conscious, organized system, not in a blind, purposeless world.


Recognition of this fact of self-reliance, often requires the brave commitment to unchaining the Promethean fire within us. A human being with it billions of invisible cells are not self-organizing. There is a organizer at the helm directing the plan as a conductor does for an orchestra.

A mechanical machine cannot restore its own energy-loss, or organize itself, even computers cannot make decisions on their own.

Each requires an information system or “software” — and an intelligent programmer at the helm.


The theory that infinite monkeys with infinite time could produce Hamlet collapses on itself under the sheer weight of probability.

There are not enough years in our evolutionary system to accomplish it.

Insisting on a blind watchmaker also inevitably leads to a conviction that “mind” is the random product of the physical brain – the position taken in today’s standard model neuroscience. So far, proving this notion experimentally has lead researchers to persistent contradictions and down blind alleys.

“Chemistry and physiology [‘bio-chemistry’?] are the two great magicians of the future,” wrote Blavatsky in The Secret Doctrine (1:261 ‘Occult Chemistry’),

“who are destined to open the eyes of mankind to the great physical truths.”


It is unlikely to believe that “chance” has anything to do with the processes that produce life forms.

Cell Magic

How could anyone imagine that Shakespeare himself was the result of a random process, when it is quite clearly impossible for even a trivial fragment of his work to have arisen by chance?

Taking Charge

In Universal Theosophy (p. 4-5), Robert Crosbie wrote that “Nature does not exist separate and apart from us. The laws of nature are but the interrelations and interdependence of all beings concerned in this stream of evolution.

“The forces of nature do not exist of themselves,” he said, and “there never was a force of any kind that was not the result of intelligent action.”

“We as spiritual beings are internally creating forces — for every man’s brain and every thought has a dynamic power.”

“All the powers in the universe are latent in us if we only open the doors to their use. Every one of us is a little copy of the whole universe. There is not a single element existing anywhere which each one of us does not contain within his own sphere — there is no power anywhere that can not be drawn upon.”

“Always the director of that power is the Self within each one. If that Self sees darkly, it is because the mirror into which the Self looks is covered with the dust of false ideas, he sees distorted images.”

The Big Picture

In conclusion, the blind, undirected dogmas of Neo-Darwinism are no match for the Theosophical explanatory view of intelligent evolution advocated by ancient sages.

Consider one of H. P. Blavatsky’s compelling arguments for intelligent design, (The Secret Doctrine 2:348):

“Suppose an Occultist were to claim that the first grand organ of a cathedral had come originally into being in the following manner. First, there was a progressive and gradual elaboration in Space of an organizable material, which resulted in the production of a state of matter named organic PROTEIN.

“Then, under the influence of incident forces, those states having been thrown into a phase of unstable equilibrium, they slowly and majestically evolved into and resulted in new combinations of carved and polished wood, of brass pins and staples, of leather and ivory, wind-pipes and bellows.

“After which, having adapted all its parts into one harmonious and symmetrical machine, the organ suddenly pealed forth Mozart’s Requiem.”

“This was followed by a Sonata of Beethoven, etc., ad infinitum — its keys playing of themselves and the wind blowing into the pipes by its own inherent force and fancy…. What would Science say to such a theory?”


10 responses to “Evidence for an Uplifting Cosmic Intelligence

  1. This student is certainly not laying claim to perfect understanding, but in answer to the theory put forth here about the organ, I am sure that “Science” would say, “Why, that’s preposterous!”…but it’s exactly what they are proposing in claiming the universe and everything in it came into existence gratuitously, unconsciously, by accident. This is a wonderful analogy, that we just can’t get around – because if something is true in one application, it must also be true elsewhere – or everywhere. Thank you TW, for this posting, wonderful. NAMASTE ALL!


  2. Is Theosophy polytheistic? Are Dhyan Chohans gods?
    Is there one main God; omnipresent,omnipotent and many lesser gods?


    • “Occult teachings are pre-eminently panspermic, and the early history of humanity is hidden only “from ordinary mortals;” nor is the history of the primitive Races buried from the Initiates in the tomb of time, as it is for profane science.” (The Secret Doctrine 2:133): http://www.theosociety.org/pasadena/sd/sd2-1-07.htm

      “Our doctrine knows no compromises. It either affirms or denies, for it never teaches but that which it knows to be the truth. Therefore, we deny God both as philosophers and as Buddhists. We know there are planetary and other spiritual lives, and we know there is in our system no such thing as God, either personal or impersonal. Parabrahm is not a God, but absolute immutable law, and Iswar is the effect of Avidya and Maya, ignorance based upon the great delusion. The word “God” was invented to designate the unknown cause of those effects which man has either admired or dreaded without understanding them, and since we claim and that we are able to prove what we claim — i.e. the knowledge of that cause and causes we are in a position to maintain there is no God or Gods behind them.” (Theosophical Master): http://www.theosociety.org/pasadena/mahatma/ml-10.htm


  3. That “blind chance” (another term for it is trial and error) can produce complexity is not hypothetical, biologists have observed it happening in nature and the laboratory for nearly a century. And it also explains why there are birth defects universal to all humans (like the mechanism that makes vitamin C not functioning in humans, when it works in all but a handful of mammal species), why our skulls grow too many teeth, why the planet is full of poisons and toxins and deadly bacteria – is the intelligent designer out to kill us? That the earth was not created in it’s present form but was rather formed through forces like gravity explains why there are earthquakes and tornadoes and tsunamis and floods and volcanic eruptions etc, etc, etc. To quote (roughly) albert einstein, the only thing that could excuse a god is it’s absense.


    • “There is no miracle. Everything that happens is the result of law — eternal, immutable, ever active. … there may be laws once ‘known,’ now unknown to science.” (Isis Unveiled): http://www.theosociety.org/pasadena/isis/iu2-12a.htm

      “In regard to great cataclysms occurring at the beginning and ending of the great cycles, the main laws governing the effects are those of Karma and Reimbodiment, or Reincarnation, proceeding under cyclic rule. Not only is man ruled by these laws, but every atom of matter as well, and the mass of matter is constantly undergoing a change at the same time with man. It must therefore exhibit alterations corresponding to those through which the thinker is going. On the physical plane effects are brought out through the electrical and other fluids acting with the gases on the solids of the globe. At the change of a great cycle they reach what may be termed the exploding point and cause violent convulsions of the following classes: (a) Earthquakes, (b) Floods, (c) Fire, (d) Ice. (The Ocean of Theosophy, Ch. 14): http://www.theosociety.org/pasadena/ocean/oce-14.htm


  4. Related material:
    “The Biology of Belief–Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter, & Miracles by Bruce Lipton, PhD

    Through the research of Dr. Lipton and other leading-edge scientists, stunning new discoveries have been made about the interaction between your mind and body and the processes by which cells receive information. It shows that genes and DNA do not control our biology, that instead DNA is controlled by signals from outside the cell, including the energetic messages emanating from our thoughts. Using simple language, illustrations, humor, and everyday examples, he demonstrates how the new science of Epigenetics is revolutionizing our understanding of the link between mind and matter and the profound effects it has on our personal lives and the collective life of our species.”
    From: http://www.noetic.org/library/publication-books/biology-belief/


  5. Wonderful, thank you.


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