A Great Breath, and the Universe is Alive

THEOSOPHY does not demand acceptance but points to fundamental principles, and how they can be ascertained and applied.

Theosophy is not only a ‘faith’ because faiths are changeable. It is not dependent upon dogma or revelation either, as are modern science and religion, but on verifiable occult records.

The object of Theosophy is to show that all things and beings in nature are truly souls in evolution, and for human beings the necessity of knowing ourselves — and becoming our own authority by knowing.

Theosophy as the “Wisdom-Religion” has existed from immemorial time. It offers a theory of nature and man which is founded upon knowledge acquired by the Sages of the past. It has been expressed in different ages by Krishna, Confucius, and Buddha in the East, by Pythagoras, Plato, and Jesus in the West.

Plato wrote about the quest for self-knowledge:

“The light and spirit of the Divinity are the wings of the soul. They raise it to communion with the gods, above this earth — to become like the gods, is to become holy, just and wise. That is the end for which man was created, and that out to be his aim in the acquisition of knowledge.”  


“Every one of us possesses the faculty, the interior sense, that is known by the name of intuition,H. P. Blavatsky explains in her The Theosophist article Le Phare De L’Inconnu (Beacon Light of the Unknown):

“… but how rare are those who know how to develop it! It is only by the aid of this faculty that men can ever see things in their true colours.”


True Colors

This power is, she says, is an “instinct of the soul, which grows in us in proportion to the employment we give it — which helps us to perceive and understand the realities of things with far more certainty than the simple use of our senses and exercise of our reason.”

“… there is one absolute Reality which antecedes all manifested, conditioned, being. It is “Be-ness” rather than Being (in Sanskrit, Sat), and is beyond all thought or speculation.

“This Infinite and Eternal Cause — is the rootless root of  ‘all that was, is, or ever shall be.'”  

“… the one Reality, is also symbolized by the term “The Great Breath,” a symbol sufficiently graphic to need no further elucidation. Thus, then, the first fundamental axiom of the Secret Doctrine is this metaphysical One Absolute — Be-ness …

“Spirit (or Consciousness) and Matter are, however, to be regarded, not as independent realities,” Blavatsky insists, “but as the two facets or aspects of the Absolute (Parabrahm), which constitute the basis of conditioned Being whether subjective or objective.

“Considering this metaphysical triad as the Root from which proceeds all manifestation, the great Breath assumes the character of precosmic Ideation. It is the fons et origo of force and of all individual consciousness, and supplies the guiding intelligence in the vast scheme of cosmic Evolution.”

Guiding Intelligence

“On the other hand, precosmic root-substance (Mulaprakriti) is that aspect of the Absolute which underlies all the objective planes of Nature.” [The Secret Doctrine Vol.1:14-15]

“The shell only of the spirit, soul and astral body of the Kosmos,” she comments in The Secret Doctrine (1:67), “has now fallen into the hands of Modern Science.”

Physicists now are busy studying that shell in the guise of hypothetical sub-atomic particles.

In their August 3, 2017 article, Scientific American reports “A new technology for detecting neutrinos represents a ‘monumental’ advance for science.”

The Spallation Neutron Source

The “elusive ‘ghost particles’ were detected bouncing off an atom.”  Following decades of ‘research’, it seems science is still stuck in their shell of hypothetical muck.

After more than a hundred years of  ‘research’, it seems modern science is still stuck in a shell of hypothetical silly putty.

Using the atom-smashing power of The Large Hadron Collider, scientists hope to unmask the so-called “god particle,” their imagined ultimate substratum of the universe. The accumulation of large amounts of data from collisions, according to physicists, “is crucial to increasing the chances of a discovery.” (!)

Physicists at CERN

Atoms live in a strange world dubbed quantum entanglement where they can be in two places at once. Everything changes at the sub-atomic level, though with science’s limited tools, atoms seem to be mostly ’empty’ space. It’s a seductive place, it seems, where one can free-fall into the unknown fields of an inexplicable universe.

Is there no room for ‘consciousness’ to exist in all that so-called “empty space?”

If atoms or some exotic energetic field underpins all substance, what of something as omnipresent as water? Almost 90% of our body, like the planet we live on, is water. We are conscious like our blue planet Gaia. Many researchers are convinced that water is capable of ‘memory’ by storing information and retrieving it, and research into water is just beginning.

Universal and divine mind (Transactions 94) is “reflected in the waters of Space,” says ancient Cosmogenesis: “In Absolute Divine Thought,” Blavatsky wrote, “everything exists, and there has been no time when it did not so exist.”

Water has Memory!

Hidden Energy

Some think of the invisible energy field as the ultimate ‘god-space.’ Dubbed the “God particle” by Nobel Prize-winning physicist Leon Lederman, the Higgs boson is a hypothetical particle which, like divinity, dark matter and dark energy, are all pervading — yet is still undetectable.

Debris of particles © CERN

Parent Space

Albert Einstein said it best: “You cannot solve a problem from the same consciousness that created it. You must learn to see the world anew.”

The ancient teaching as given in The Secret Doctrine reads: “‘the ‘Parent Space’ “is the eternal, ever-present cause of all

the incomprehensible deity, whose ‘invisible robes’ are the mystic root of all matter, and of the Universe.”

With huge atom smashers like CERN and Fermilab, scientists around the world are racing to find the wily god particle. Hey, just maybe the mother of all matter is hiding in a state or plane of consciousness undetectable by a man-made machine? “It is both passive and active, pure Spirit Essence in its absoluteness, and repose, pure matter in its finite and conditioned state,” an adept wrote (The Mahatma Letters to A. P. Sinnett, No. 11).

“The ‘Robes’ stand for the noumenon of undifferentiated Cosmic Matter,” say the esoteric teachings: “It is not matter as we know it, but the spiritual essence of matter — it is co-eternal, and even one with Space in its abstract sense.”

“The Hindus call it Mulaprakriti, and say that it is the primordial substance, which is the basis or vehicle of every phenomenon, whether physical, mental or psychic.” In other words the source-mind of the universe, we might suppose. (See: Blavatsky Theosophy Group UK, Matter is Eternal)

CERN the world's largest particle physics laboratory

CERN the world’s largest particle physics laboratory

The materialistic-reductionist scale of CERN’s projects is more expensive and more incredible than a top Hollywood sci-phi. The international center hopes to recreate the “Big Bang” which they assert jump-started the universe.

Self-described as “the world’s biggest machine,” the LHC is out to discover in the process of “how energy became matter”— (believing that energy and matter are somehow distinct realities.) Try telling that to Captain Kirk …

“Beam me up Scotty”

The LHC will be smashing particles together at the speed of light, then examining the “debris” hoping to find “the smallest building blocks that make up the universe.”

Higher States

The physical body is electric, and it was shown that a biological version of an attractive force (bio-gravity?) clearly exists — but, mysteriously, no ordinary magnet field was detected when these so-called “human magnets” were tested.

Jelena Momcilov

When will modern science stop violently beating-up on atoms and particles to impossibly torture out their secrets — we know nothing about these energetic kingdoms, and for all we can tell they are conscious entities in their own right. Can we report this as particle abuse? 🙂 LOL

Mind Everywhere

Most scientists today agree they have yet to discover what the mind is, and how the brain produces consciousness. What makes us ‘us’ has always been a mystery. The question is one of the oldest most formidable exciting challenges that science has yet to solve.

“Those alone, whom we call adepts,” Blavatsky wrote (SD 1:166), “who know how to direct their mental vision and to transfer their consciousness — physical and psychic both — to other planes of being, are able to speak with authority on such subjects.”

Buddha a silent watcher

“We do not bow our heads in the dust before the mystery of mind — for we have solved it ages ago,” one of Mme. Blavatsky’s Teachers wrote (Letter 10):

Rejecting with contempt the theistic theory we reject as much the automaton theory, teaching that states of consciousness are produced by the marshaling of the molecules of the brain.”

Says Occult Science: “Everything in the Universe throughout all its kingdoms is conscious,

endowed with a consciousness of its own kind and on its own plane of perception.”

Everything manifested has its origin in a universal mind or consciousness. This is the “one absolute Reality” spoken of in The Secret Doctrine, “which antecedes all manifested, conditioned, being.”

“We men must remember,” H. P. Blavatsky wrote, “that because we do not perceive any signs — which we can recognize — of consciousness, say, in stones, we have no right to say that no consciousness exists there.”

Hot stone massage therapy

“There is no such thing as either ‘dead’ or ‘blind’ matter, as there is no ‘Blind’ or ‘Unconscious’ Law,” she says (SD 1:274), “these find no place among the conceptions of Occult philosophy. The latter never stops at surface appearances, and for it, the noumenal essences have more reality than their objective counterparts.”

These essences are described by H. P. Blavatsky in the First of Three Fundamental Propositions of The Secret Doctrine as an “Infinite and Eternal Cause — the rootless root of ‘all that was, is, or ever shall be.'” It is not a personal god, she wrote:

It is ‘Be-ness’
rather than Being.

Mind at Death

Direct experience of “be-ness” appears to be routine for Eastern monks and yogis but is still a rare event for most Westerners. Near-Death experiences (NDEs) give us a window into an unplanned and unexpected phenomenon, reported in the West by otherwise ‘normal’ people.

The consciousness of near-death is an intriguing mind mystery, an unforgettable, life changing event for those like Pam Reynolds who experienced one (and obviously) lived to tell about it.

It took a life-threatening aneurysm, and risky surgery in which Pam’s heart was stopped and the blood drained from her brain.


Soon after the surgery began, Pam had a powerful (NDE) and consciously entered the be-ness state. The extraordinary event provided incontrovertible scientific evidence for the existence of a mind outside the brain. Pam’s case represents the ultimate in human conscious superpositioning.

People who have near-death and near-death-like experiences sometimes report receiving visions of the future. NDE visions can be especially comforting to those grieving the loss of a loved one.

“The Breath of God”

Excerpt from the BBC film: The Day I Died: The Mind,
the Brain, and Near-Death Experiences


After her NDE, Pam remembered the experience of “standing in the breath of God,” perhaps the quintessential state of oneness being in the light of our highest consciousness.

How was Pam able to keep from losing contact with her all but lifeless bodily form during hours of brain surgery? And when, during the time she entered spiritual realms, and confabulated with people she once knew now living in the light, and then stood in the “breath of God,” how was she able find her way back?

According to occult teachings, none of us ‘go’ anywhere really — as Higher Mind beings we remain safe and secure in our spiritual body. All experiences, in or out-of our physical body occur within that overseeing field.

Our Higher Self is the light of god we experience. We die back into that omnipresent God-Self, and after a period of rest are reincarnated by karma out of it into another baby body.

“Theosophists are the first to recognize the intrinsic value of science. But when its high priests resolve consciousness into a secretion from the gray matter of the brain, we protest against the doctrine as being unphilosophical, self-contradictory, and simply absurd, from a scientific point of view — as much, and even more than from the occult aspect of the esoteric knowledge.”

(The Secret Doctrine 1:296)


Theosophy’s God

“Our DEITY is neither in a paradise, nor in a particular tree, building, or mountain,” H. P. Blavatsky wrote, “it is everywhere, in every atom of the visible as of the invisible Cosmos—in, over, and around every invisible atom, and divisible molecule —

“…for IT is the mysterious power of evolution and involution, the omnipresent, omnipotent, and even omniscient creative potentiality.”


Theosophy’s Evolution

“What then is the universe for, and for what final purpose is man the immortal thinker here in evolution?”

– William Q. Judge,
The Ocean of Theosophy, Chapter 8.


“It is all for the experience and emancipation of the soul, for the purpose of raising the entire mass of manifested matter up to the stature, nature, and dignity of conscious god-hood. The great aim is to reach self-consciousness; not through a race or a tribe or some favored nation, but by and through the perfecting, after transformation, of the whole mass of matter as well as what we now call soul.

“Nothing is or is to be left out.”

“The aim for present man is his initiation into complete knowledge, and for the other kingdoms below him that they may be raised up gradually from stage to stage to be in time initiated also. This is evolution carried to its highest power; it is a magnificent prospect; it makes of man a god, and gives to every part of nature the possibility of being one day the same. There is strength and nobility in it, for by this no man is dwarfed and belittled, for no one is so originally sinful that he cannot rise above all sin.


“Treated from the materialistic position of Science, evolution takes in but half of life; while the religious conception of it is a mixture of nonsense and fear. Present religions keep the element of fear, and at the same time imagine that an Almighty being can think of no other earth but this and has to govern this one very imperfectly.”

“But the old theosophical view makes the universe
a vast, complete, and perfect whole.”


4 responses to “A Great Breath, and the Universe is Alive

  1. All power to the TRUTH however Jesus of the west never existed as a ‘one person – a human being – even Blavatsky writes that Jesus was not an historical person. Having said that I do love your posts.. Beautifully put together presentations.



    • Blavatsky does say that “Christ – the true esoteric SAVIOUR – is no man, but the DIVINE PRINCIPLE in every human being.” Yet relates that she was once in a large cave-temple in the Himalayas with her Tibetan teacher, Morya. There were many statues of adepts and, pointing to one of them, her teacher said: ‘This is he whom you call Jesus. We count him to be one of the greatest among us.’ The importance of Jesus is highlighted in the following passage from Isis Unveiled:

      “… all the civilized portion of the Pagans who knew of Jesus honored him as a philosopher, an adept whom they placed on the same level with Pythagoras and Apollonius. … As an incarnated God there is no single record of him on this earth capable of withstanding the critical examination of science; as one of the greatest reformers, an inveterate enemy of every theological dogmatism, a persecutor of bigotry, a teacher of one of the most sublime codes of ethics, Jesus is one of the grandest and most clearly-defined figures on the panorama of human history. His age may, with every day, be receding farther and farther back into the gloomy and hazy mists of the past; and his theology – based on human fancy and supported by untenable dogmas may, nay, must with every day lose more of its unmerited prestige; alone the grand figure of the philosopher and moral reformer instead of growing paler will become with every century more pronounced and more clearly defined. It will reign supreme and universal only on that day when the whole of humanity recognizes but one father – the UNKNOWN ONE above – and one brother – the whole of mankind below.”

      Isis Unveiled, 2:150-1.


  2. How can I explain to my friends that a rock is alive and has a consciousness of its own? Will the consciousness in a rock, eventually, enter the human kingdom?


    • From The Ocean of Theosophy, Chapter 8:

      “What then is the universe for, and for what final purpose is man the immortal thinker here in evolution? It is all for the experience and emancipation of the soul, for the purpose of raising the entire mass of manifested matter up to the stature, nature, and dignity of conscious god-hood. The great aim is to reach self-consciousness; not through a race or a tribe or some favored nation, but by and through the perfecting, after transformation, of the whole mass of matter as well as what we now call soul. Nothing is or is to be left out. The aim for present man is his initiation into complete knowledge, and for the other kingdoms below him that they may be raised up gradually from stage to stage to be in time initiated also. This is evolution carried to its highest power; it is a magnificent prospect; it makes of man a god, and gives to every part of nature the possibility of being one day the same; there is strength and nobility in it, for by this no man is dwarfed and belittled, for no one is so originally sinful that he cannot rise above all sin. Treated from the materialistic position of Science, evolution takes in but half of life; while the religious conception of it is a mixture of nonsense and fear. Present religions keep the element of fear, and at the same time imagine that an Almighty being can think of no other earth but this and has to govern this one very imperfectly. But the old theosophical view makes the universe a vast, complete, and perfect whole.”

      The Ocean of Theosophy by William Q. Judge, Chapter 8.


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